I just received a cool gift and I think it’s a really nice idea if you need to give someone a present.


It’s called instantly.be and it allows you to print any of your digital photos and then deliver them wherever you want, to whomever you want. You can pick photos from the ones you posted on Facebook, Instagram or have stored on your laptop, PC or device, make an account on instantly.be and just send your order.  They look like a printed Instagram photo, and you can fit up to 50 photos in their special box. I also received a few photo frames,  especially designed for this square photos.

memory box instantly.be

photos instantly.be

The idea behind instantly.be was that even though we definitely take more photos with all our devices, we rarely print them now, give them as a gift, make photo albums or just put them on the fridge to keep our memories close. I have printed photos in my home, I even have a big photo collage on my living room wall and they always make me happy when I look at them. And this is exactly how I felt when I received my box with memories: happy and amused.

So dears, if you’re in need for a cute gift idea, take a look at instantly.be too. It might just be what you were looking for.


Photos: mine and instantly.be

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