Exista tinute simpatice, exista tinute confortabile, exista tinute sexy si exista acel tip de tinuta care le are pe toate… dar in doze optime. Cam asa am simtit eu cand mi-a iesit combinatia asta colorata care m-a facut sa ma simt instant bine dispusa, energica si cool.  Ma ajuta si faptul ca e roz…v-am spus ca intre mine si roz este o relatie speciala bazata pe iubire eterna. 🙂

[EN] There are nice outfits, there are comfortable outfits, sexy outfits and there is that kind of outfit that has it all … but in just the right doses. This is how I felt when I came up with this color combination that made me instantly feel cheerful, energetic and  cool. It also helps that is pink … I have already admitted that between pink and me is a special relationship based on eternal love. 🙂

Modelul pantalonilor nu e chiar un clasic, volanul amplasat atat de bine te face sa crezi ca ar putea fi o fusta foarte scurta iar talia inalta imi echilibreaza frumos silueta. I-am descoperit la ZARA si i-am luat fara sa ma gandesc prea mult.

[EN] The style of the pants  is not exactly a classic, the ruffle placed so well makes you think it could be a very short skirt and the high waist beautifully balances my silhouette. I discovered them at  ZARA and bought them without thinking about it too much.

Camasa este “achizitionata” din dulapul sotului. Spre bucuria mea, cu ceva timp in urma  a scos din dulap vreo 15 camasi anuntandu-ma ca renunta la ele…ba ca are prea multe, ba ca nu ii mai vin…Inainte sa le faca pachet, am aruncat si eu o privire si am descoperit vreo 6-7 care imi vin de minune. S-ul lui cambrat e tocmai bun pentru mine, asa ca probabil nu imi voi mai cumpara camasi o perioada destul de lunga, in schimb am materie prima pentru tot felul de proiecte de restilizare. Va sugerez sa mai deschideti si dulapul domnului din cand in cand si macar sa imprumutati daca nu sa vi le insusiti de tot.  Cat timp camasile largi raman in trend, dulapul lui reprezinta o sursa de comori free. 

[EN] The shirt is “acquired” from my husband’s closet. 🙂 To my joy, some time ago  he pulled out of the closet about 15 shirts announcing me that he doesn’t needs them anymore. Before he send them away, I threw a look and found 6-7 that looked great on me. His measure S was perfect, so I will probably not buy any other shirts for a long period of time, instead I now have new material for all kinds of restyling projects. I suggest that you occasionally open his closet  and at least borrow some of his clothes, if not take them for good. :)) 

Transforma camasa barbateasca intr-una lady like – proiect simplu DIY

Camasa asta roz a primit din partea mea un update, cu un mic proiect DIY. Perlele de pe guler sunt cusute de mine si e un detaliu dragut care o duce din pink gentleman in urban lady.:)  Perle gasiti cam pe la orice mercerie, asa ca nu ezitati sa va jucati putin cu acul si ata. Tot in aceeasi idee, puteti coase cateva petice brodate. Gasiti modele frumoase atat la mercerii cat si la branduri in mall. Bershka are unele simpatice, iar pe cele florale sigur le-ati observat in magazine inca din primavara.

Am ales geanta portocalie Musette si pantofii cu toc rosu de la Hotstepper pentru un plus de culoare care sa faca tinuta si mai speciala. Puteam sa aleg ceva mai neutru, dar ar fi scazut efectul dat de combinatia de culori. Pantofii au clipsuri detasabile din piele SASHaccessories ce contin culorile tinutei si leaga intreaga paleta coloristica iar cerceii cu agate preiau culoarea pantalonilor.

[EN] The pink shirt received from me a small update, with a little DIY project. Pearls on the collar are sewn by me and is a nice detail that goes from pink  gentleman  to urban  lady. 🙂    In the same idea, you can sew some embroidered patches.  I chose an orange Musette  bag and shoes with red heels from Hotstepper for a splash of color that make the outfit even more special. I could have chosen something neutral, but the effect wouldn’t have been so impressive. The shoes have detachable leather shoe clips  from SASHaccessories containing all the colors from the outfit. 

Puteti purta aceeasi tinuta si cu o pereche de tenesi. Va fi cool si confortabila dar probabil nu la fel de sexy. 🙂

[EN] You can wear the same outfit with a pair of sneakers. It will be cool and comfortable but perhaps not as sexy.?


Foto: Cris Petcu









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