Tag: restyle
DIY Cum sa faci upgrade la un top simplu
Ne apropiem de sfarsitul verii, cel putin calendaristic, desi eu sper ca vara asta sa mai stea cu noi macar o luna. Asa pe...
DIY Style Up: How to transform a basic cardigan into a...
Cine ma cunoaste bine stie sa sunt un fan al proiectelor DIY (do it yourself) si ca imi folosesc adeseori cunostintele si indemanarea sa...
DIY Style UP: How to transform his clothes into your treasures
Last week I was telling you on my FB page that I discovered a sweatshirt in my husband’s closet that he wasn’t wearing anymore...
DIY Style Up: Transform a skirt into a dress
I love to restyle my clothes, to sew details, to accesorise them and that means that sometimes I have clothes that no one else...