Am o veste mare azi! In parteneriat cu Complice, am creat un pachet de servicii dedicate mireselor si denumit sugestiv Sophisticated Bride - ce cuprinde consultanta in alegerea rochiei de mireasa si un atelier olfactiv privat, oferit de Luviane...
S-au dus vremurile cand miresele aratau la fel si nuntile se organizau pe aceeasi reteta. Azi ne permitem bucuria de a trai asa cum simtim, de a iubi fix cum ne dorim si de a ne organiza nunta exact...
Intro: N-are treaba cu subiectul, dar sunt mandra sa va anunt intrarea in randul vloggerilor. Nu o sa ma vedeti dintr-o data vorbind doar pe camera, dar acesta este un proiect care merita facut asa. Mi-am...
De multa vreme observ ca prea multi acorda prea multa importanta trendurilor in moda si mai putin cultivarii unui stil in armonie cu personalitatea, prea multa importanta lui “ce se poarta” si prea putina lui “ce mi se potriveste”...
The 2016 wedding season is almost over, and this is the time when most wedding shops bring in the new collections for the following year. This happens whether they are multi-brand or designer’s shops. So, if you take a...
A bride is not defined by what she wears on her wedding day. A bride is a bride no matter where she’s from, what color she decides is perfect for her wedding day or what style of dress she...
Last weekend, Expomariage started this season with the first wedding fair of the year. I was invited to check out the new collections presented during the Bucharest Bridal Fashion Show.
The creations that caught my attention where signed by Nicole...
Expomariage, the first wedding fair or the year will take place between 15-17 of January at J W Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel (Romania). Expomariage is the first wedding fair that was ever organised in Romania, by “Mireasa” (Bride) Magazine...
I was telling you a few days ago about an event dedicated to winter weddings. The majority of us, including myself, rarely think of a wedding during winter, and most of the times we imagine sunny skies, warm weather,...
A few weeks ago a good friend of mine got married in a beautiful place, the “Maldar’s Mansion”, near Horezu, Romania. The location is a very old aristocratic mansion, with that boyar charm of old-fashioned Oltenia. You can’t really...