Juno este numele celei mai recente colectii Deco Box si marcheaza debutul in zona corpurilor de iluminat al echipei formate din Liliana Stoica, Anda Stăncescu si mesterul Gheorghe Stoica. Pe Liliana (fondatoarea Deco Box) am cunoscut-o la scurt timp...
Stii zilele alea in care daca ai avea o bagheta magica ai vrea sa faci ziua mai lunga si ceasul sa stea pe loc? Ei bine, majoritatea zilelor mele sunt asa. Si nu, nu am gasit inca bagheta magica....
Care culmea imi si plac! :)
Asa cum probabil banuiti, majoritatea celor ce imi citesc blogul sunt femei, ocazional sotul meu si inca cativa barbati mai mult sau mai putin cunoscuti. Dar pentru ca barbatii in general citesc mai mult...
Pe Liliana, designerul din spatele Deco-Box am descoperit-o la targul Made in Ro si mi-a placut tare. Ulterior am vizitat-o la studioul ei de creatie in lemn si i-am aflat si povestea…
I discovered Liliana 2 years ago at...
Those who know me also know that I have a passion for notebooks and pens, or anything stationery related. It has started during my childhood when I had enormous amounts of homework and I noticed that if I write with...
I just received a cool gift and I think it’s a really nice idea if you need to give someone a present.
It’s called instantly.be and it allows you to print any of your digital photos and then deliver them wherever you...
Have you ever wondered what makes great design great? What attracts you to it, what makes you love it, want it, pay for it? Design is everywhere you look, in the buildings you work, in your home, where you...
If you read my blog, you probably know that I also design accessories, mostly leather statement necklaces and shoe detachable accessories (shoe clips). I admit I love what I do and how my products look. I wear them most...
It seems like the hottest, coolest home accessory right now, that made the whole world talking about it is … a pillow. Well, not any ordinary pillow, but a sequined pillow that changes color. Discovered by chance by journalist...
Lately, it’s been all about chasing cute, cool, original, different, perfect gifts for Christmas. I showed you lots of good ideas on my blog and on my Facebook page. Since I believe in small businesses of local talents, I...