Romanian Designers

Romanian Designers

Saptamana trecuta a avut loc Silk Garden Party, eveniment prin care designerul Laura Hincu a sarbatorit un an de LH Silk Essentials si lansarea celei mai noi colectii. Laura iubeste matasea si croiurile simple, astfel ca cele 2 se...
Stii zilele alea in care daca ai avea o bagheta magica ai vrea sa faci ziua mai lunga si ceasul sa stea pe loc? Ei bine, majoritatea zilelor mele sunt asa. Si nu, nu am gasit inca bagheta magica....
Care culmea imi si plac! :) Asa cum probabil banuiti, majoritatea celor ce imi citesc blogul sunt femei, ocazional sotul meu si inca cativa barbati mai mult sau mai putin cunoscuti. Dar pentru ca barbatii in general citesc mai mult...
De curand am participat la evenimentul de lansare a noii colectii de pantofi Ancolette semnata de Anca Tanase. Ca orice femeie, cand vad pantofi faini, nu pot sa ma opresc nici de la a impartasi descoperirile, nici de la...
Saptamana trecuta s-a desfasurat la Bucuresti festivalul de moda  Romanian Fashion Philosophy AW 17/18, ce a reunit in decursul celor 4 zile atat prezentarile unor foarte tineri designeri - studenti, cat si unor designeri mai mult sau mai putin...
De dimineata m-am luptat cu o temperatura de -10 grade in timp ce o duceam pe Erica la gradi. In cele 5 minute adunate in care am stat efectiv afara, infofolita pana in gat si cu o geaca groasa...
We live our lives on fast - forward.  In the morning we are always on the run, the day quickly flies by and by the time we raise our heads from the computer the day is almost over. In...
A while ago I was telling you about my hunt for the perfect silver oxford shoes and how you could wear them too. Well, I decided on the ones from Etienne, a young Romanian brand, for 3 main reasons:  1....
There’s a trend in fashion that combines traditional elements with modern designs, sometimes reinterpreted to give a new meaning and a new life to old stories, legends, traditions, etc. This is not a new trend, and here in Romania ...
Every fashion stylist knows a man’s wardrobe is a real treasure for any woman. For so many years we borrow the man’s clothes to create interesting outfits, from man inspired outfits but restyled and adjusted to fit a woman’s...