Ma uit pe geam si vad un soare puternic. Pare asa prietenos si vremea calda. Ies afara si o rafala de vant ma izbeste. Inghet instant. La naiba, iar m-am pacalit. Asa imi trebuie daca nu verific starea vremii...
Eu sunt o creativa de cand ma stiu. Cand eram in generala as fi facut haine la papusi ore intregi in loc de matematica. Asa sunt si acum: buna la creatie, mai putin buna la business. Na, nu le...
Stii zilele alea in care daca ai avea o bagheta magica ai vrea sa faci ziua mai lunga si ceasul sa stea pe loc? Ei bine, majoritatea zilelor mele sunt asa. Si nu, nu am gasit inca bagheta magica....
Pe Christian Roth si Eric Domege, cei doi designeri din spatele celebrului brand de ochelari Christian Roth, i-am cunoscut la trunk show-ul organizat de OPTIblu in showroom-ul din Radu Beller. Brandul este nou intrat in portofoliul OPTIblu, iar cei...
O iubitoare de accesorii ca mine nu putea sa nu fie multumita de faptul ca sezonul asta primavara-vara 2017 ne indeamna chiar sa fim creative si sa nu ne fie frica cu accesorizatul excesiv. De fapt, cu cat mai...
De curand am participat la evenimentul de lansare a noii colectii de pantofi Ancolette semnata de Anca Tanase. Ca orice femeie, cand vad pantofi faini, nu pot sa ma opresc nici de la a impartasi descoperirile, nici de la...
As probably all of you may already know, the Sale Season has just begun. Hallelujah! Now I know that it’s so hard to resist to not make a credit card and spend all the money in one day, but...
Yesterday was all about the colors and outfit trends of fall 2016; the ones that deserve our attention, of course. Today, let’s see what shoes, jewelry or bags are in this season.
If you like the classics, than you’re the...
This brand is a new discovery for me, and since I discovered to be quite a cool one, I thought you should find out about it too. Illesteva is a sunglasses/eyeglasses company, founded in 2010, whose products are designed in New...
I was never an avid gamer, but as most of the kids in my generation (born in the 80s) I received a game console and I had some fun with it for a while. Now, I was always a...