
#WearTheChange este conceptul sub care C&A a lansat pe 8 februarie prima sa colectie de moda sustenabila, marcand momentul inceperii unei noi ere, una in care nu trebuie sa mai conteze doar cum arata hainele pe care le cumparam,...
Fie vorba intre noi, in Romania prognoza meteo arata ploaie si pe strada :)…ceea ce inseamna ca nu o sa ne para rau daca ne pretrecem weekendul in mall-uri sau pe site-uri de reduceri vanand ofertele de Black Friday. Inainte...
Pe Christian Roth si Eric Domege, cei doi designeri din spatele celebrului brand de ochelari Christian Roth, i-am cunoscut la trunk show-ul organizat de OPTIblu in showroom-ul din Radu Beller. Brandul este nou intrat in portofoliul OPTIblu, iar cei...
Saptamana trecuta s-a desfasurat la Bucuresti festivalul de moda  Romanian Fashion Philosophy AW 17/18, ce a reunit in decursul celor 4 zile atat prezentarile unor foarte tineri designeri - studenti, cat si unor designeri mai mult sau mai putin...
As December approaches, we feel more tempted to wear all kinds of clothes and funny accessories, those that best express the joy of winter holidays. We embrace with joy a style that celebrates joy. :)  RO: Pe masura ce Decembrie se apropie,...
If you read my blog, than you probably know my opinion about trends: good to know, wrong to follow blindly…I never believed that you have to change the whole wardrobe every season, to only wear what’s ‘hot’, what’s #trendingnow,...
This brand is a new discovery for me, and since I discovered to be quite a cool one, I thought you should find out about it too. Illesteva is a sunglasses/eyeglasses company, founded in 2010, whose products are designed in New...
I was never an avid gamer, but as most of the kids in my generation (born in the 80s) I received a game console and I had some fun with it for a while. Now, I was always a...
Digital Divas by AVON is the most important event for the feminine digital community in Romania. This year is the 5th edition and it will be hosted by the Bragadiru Palace, in Bucharest, on the 20th of May. And yes,...
There’s a trend in fashion that combines traditional elements with modern designs, sometimes reinterpreted to give a new meaning and a new life to old stories, legends, traditions, etc. This is not a new trend, and here in Romania ...