Contest Closed: Surprise him with a gift!

    As March approaches and the world has decided it’s the perfect month to celebrate the amazing women that we are, I thought we should give something back.

    What if, this year for a change, on March 8th, you surprise your man with a gift. He won’t expect it for sure, as that day it’s all about us. But that’s exactly want we want.  So,  join our contest and win a chic & fun male accessory, a Don Papillon wood bow tie.


    What you need to do in order to participate?

    1. Leave a comment on the Urban Diva FB page with the answer to this question: Which of  the 3 men coaches from „The Voice” of Romania (2014) wore a Don Papillon bow tie in the final act?                        a. Smiley     b. Marius Moga      c. Tudor Chirila
    2. Like Don Papillon Facebook page
    3. Like theUrbanDiva Facebook page
    4. SHARE this contest on your public FB page

    The winner will be chosen with

    The contest starts today & will end on March 1;  we’ll announce the winner on March 2.

    Good luck everyone!

    More about the Don Papillon wood bow tie here.

    The winner is Iulia Isar.


    Thank you all for participating!

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