Tags Lace

Tag: lace

Nu ocoliti dantela intr-o tinuta casual / office

Cand vine vorba de tinute ce contin macar o piesa din dantela, va spun sincer ca reusita tinutei depinde mult de tipul de dantela...

10 tips on what to wear on New Year’s Eve when...

One more day until New Year’s Eve and you have nothing to wear. Out of lack of time, or maybe money, you haven’t bought...

Super lace tops that might save you when you need to...

Lace is spectacular and perfect for evening wear. Most of the times, we opt for dresses when we have a special event we need...

The eternal lace

I’ll tell it to you straight: this article is for the lace lovers, because why not admit it, some love the lace and some...