Tag: parenting
Mamele care vor sa fie si femei & barbatii infricosati sa...
Stim cu totii ca pe vremuri diviziunea muncii in familie era foarte clar delimitata iar copiii erau crescuti de mame. Ne-am straduit mult sa...
Un cinema gandit special pentru mamici cu bebelusi si o invitatie...
Dupa ce s-a nascut Erica, am inteles ca va trece mult timp pana cand viata noastra va semana cu ce traisem inainte sa raman...
Lectii despre relatii de adulti predate de copii
Fiica mea are 4 ani si jumatate, adica fix varsta la care copiii spun lucruri trasnite si adultii se distreaza copios. Viata alaturi de...
Lasati oamenii sa planga (1)
Anul trecut prin vara, pe cand fiica mea avea 3 ani si jumatate, treceam impreuna prin perioada de “criza”. Adica ea facea crizele si...
Despre sarcina…cand nu e bine
N-am mai scris de ceva timp in seria Urban Mom - Untold story of motherhood, si azi m-am gandit ca nu ar fi rau...
When being a mom becomes incredibly hard
When your child is sick and you stand by his side powerless, that’s when being a mom becomes hard. When you know you’ve given...
Those special butterflies you get to feel
You know that feeling of butterflies in your stomach when you fall in love? When you see him and feel like melting? When you...
Parenting frustrations
Last week was a hard one. What am I saying?…. This whole month was exhausting. Our daughter prepared for us a special autumn menu...
What kind of parent are you?
When I was pregnant, I haven’t really thought about what kind of parent will I be. I only knew what kind of parent I...
Game On
I remember a time when playing was the only thing on my to do list. I remember spending all summer days with my friends...