De dimineata m-am luptat cu o temperatura de -10 grade in timp ce o duceam pe Erica la gradi. In cele 5 minute adunate in care am stat efectiv afara, infofolita pana in gat si cu o geaca groasa si lunga care ma oboseste enorm, mi-am adus aminte ca se poate face fata frigului si imbracata altfel si aratand mai uman, nu ca versiunea feminina a lui Darth Vader.

Faceti cunostinta cu mega puloverul de exterior Chemistry!

[EN] This morning I had to face -10 degrees Celsius while taking my daughter to the kindergarten. During the 5 minutes that I literally had to stay outside wrapped up from head to toe and wearing a thick and long coat, I remembered that we can handle the cold wearing something else and looking more human, not like a female version of Darth Vader. 

Meet the chunky outdoor sweater from Chemistry!

gia_chemistry sweater theurbandiva blog

gia chemistry sweater theurbandiva style blog

Daca vreodata ati dorit sa plecati de acasa cu patura calduroasa si pufoasa pe voi (eu mi-am dorit de multe ori), ei bine acum se poate! 🙂 Eu cred ca la asta s-a gandit Vera cand a creat mega pufosenia din lana ce inlocuieste cu succes orice geaca. Am subliniat “pulover de exterior” pentru ca nu va recomand sa il purtati la o cafenea cu prietenii decat daca vreti sa aveti o sauna la purtator. Este in schimb perfect daca ramaneti fara caldura in casa. 😉

[EN] If you ever wanted to leave home with the warm and fluffy blanket on you as I wanted so many times, well now you can! 🙂 I think this is what Vera – the designer had in mind when she created this fluffy wool sweater that can successfully replace any kind of winter jacket.  As you can see, I emphasized “outdoor sweater” because I don’t recommend you to wear it at a restaurant with friends, unless you want a portable sauna with you.  Instead, it’s perfect if you’re house is left with no heat. 😉 

gia_chemistry sweater theurbandiva blog

Cum il porti? In principiu cam cu orice: de la pantaloni, fuste, rochii, colanti, jeans si pana la echipamentul de ski. Eu am ales doar dresuri, pentru ca inaltimea imi permite sa il folosesc ca rochie. 🙂 Lasand gluma la o parte, desi n-am glumit cand am spus ca eu il pot folosi si ca rochie, asa pentru siguranta optati pentru colanti care sa va acopere partile esentiale.

Pe langa pozele minunate cu mine, v-am lasat cateva poze si cu alte blogerite luand la plimbare pufosenia Chemistry, ca sa  exemplificam mai bine cele spuse mai sus.

Deci fetele, voi ati fi pregatite sa renuntati la geaca de iarna pentru puloverul/paturica stilata #madeinro?

[EN] This morning I had to face -10 degrees Celsius while taking my daughter to the kindergarten. During the 5 minutes that I literally had to stay outside wrapped up from head to toe and wearing a thick and long coat, I remembered that we can handle the cold wearing something else and looking more human, not like a female version of Darth Vader.  Meet the chunky outdoor sweater from Chemistry!

[EN] How do you wear it? Basically with almost everything: from pants, skirts, shorts, jeans, dresses to ski equipment. I chose only tights because my height allows me to wear it also as a dress, so why not?! 🙂 Leaving the joke aside, for safety reasons, just opt for some leggings that cover your essentials and allow you to move freely. 

Besides my wonderful photos :), I left a few photos of other bloggers wearing the fluffy sweater, to illustrate the things I just said wrote. 

So my darlings, would you be prepared to give up your winter jacket for the Chemistry sweater/ stylish blanket?

My Photos: Cris Petcu Photographa

Other ideas from: Dana Rogoz, Fabulous Muses, Prin Lume, Dana Paun, Iulia Iacob, Unica

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  1. Mi-ai redeschis apetitul de tricotat. Il si vad pus pe andrele 😀 . Sa stii ca i-am dat tarcoale mult timp unui astfel de pulover de exterior pe un site strain dar ideea ca as fi nevoita undeva sa il dau jos, m-a facut sa am retineri in a-l achizitiona. Nu era lucrat manual. Arati senzational

    • Multumesc tare mult! Este foarte fain intr-adevar. Daca te pricepi la tricotat, poti sa il faci gen jacheta. Importanta e lana din care il faci. Asta e gros dar si pufos.

  2. Wow … ce frumos e, cred ca si calduros. Din pacate nu suport sa am asa guler inalt la gat 🙂 Simt ca ma sufoc, desi vad ca acest guler este lejer.

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