Tag: pregnancy
Despre sarcina…cand nu e bine
N-am mai scris de ceva timp in seria Urban Mom - Untold story of motherhood, si azi m-am gandit ca nu ar fi rau...
Surprise, surprise
(I was 5 and a half months pregnant in the photo above. )
Back to motherhood today. :)
As I was telling you in the previous articles...
Pregnancy – fairytale or nightmare? Part 2.
Yesterday I started the chapter on my pregnancy, so today I want to tell you the rest of the first trimester story, a true...
Pregnancy – fairytale or nightmare? Part 1.
In the previous chapter I was telling you about my adventures until I got pregnant. This chapter will be about my pregnancy, how I...
Getting pregnant sounds easy
September 2012
When we talk about motherhood, we always say it is so wonderful to be a parent, there’s no grater gift in life than...