Pe Liliana, designerul din spatele Deco-Box am descoperit-o la targul Made in Ro si mi-a placut tare. Ulterior am vizitat-o la studioul ei de creatie in lemn si i-am aflat si povestea…
[EN] I discovered Liliana 2 years ago at the Made in Ro design fair organized in Bucharest and I liked her design a lot. Later I had the chance to visit her at her wood design studio and discovered her story…
Tanara, desteapta si curajoasa, a renuntat la o slujba corporate bine platita cand a simtit ca poate si vrea mai mult. Fiorul creativ il simtea de mult si il tot exersa in tablouri pictate de ea pe care le daruia prietenilor. Intr-o zi si-a luat inima in dinti si si-a riscat toate economiile in ceea ce va deveni primul atelier de artă 3D pe lemn din România. Si-a convins tatal (sculptor şi restaurator de profesie) sa i se alature si l-a lasat sa se ocupe cu predilectie de transformarea lemnului brut in obiect de decor, ea ocupandu-se de design si pictura obiectelor, dar si de partea de business, acolo unde experienta acumulata in anii de corporatie isi spune cuvantul.
Sub motto-ul Life in bold colors, Liliana lanseaza colectii noi in fiecare an, atat de obiecte mici de decor, cat si tablouri impresionante. De curand a lasat o colectie noua de obiecte functionale pentru depozitare birou sau ca suport de plante, cu accente fresh, de primăvară.
[EN] Young, smart and brave, she gave up a well paid job when she felt “I can and want more”. She was experiencing the creative thrill for a long time and she practiced it by offering her paintings as gifts to her friends. One day she had the courage to make the next step and risked her life savings in what will become the first 3D wood design studio in Romania. She convinced her father (sculptor and restorer) to join her and left him to deal with the transformation of raw wood into deco objects, while she handles the design and painting the wood objects, and also the business part of her small company.
Under the motto “Life in bold colors”, Liliana launches new collections every year, both of small deco objects and impressive wood paintings. She has recently launched a new collection of functional objects for office storage or flower supports with fresh spring accents.
Mie mi-au placut si m-am decis ca vi le propun ca o idee buna pentru cadouri, mai ales in Martie, cand mai toate avem de dat o atentie pe ici pe colo, mai ales daca aveti copii la gradinita sau la scoala. 🙂 Sustinem designul #madeinro si in plus ajutam la plantarea de copaci, pentru ca la fiecare produs Deco-Box cumparat din categoria special dedicata Initiativei Verde, 5% se redirectioneaza catre plantarea de copaci prin programele de voluntariat. Informatii despre asta puteti citi chiar aici.
Daca va plac, le gasiti pe site-ul Deco Box, alaturi de alte idei faine de cadouri.
[EN] Well, I liked it and decided to show them as cool gift ideas, especially in March, when we all have to make some gifts here and there, as it will be Women’s Day. Like that, we ca support handmade design and help plant extra trees, as for every product purchased from this Green Intiative special section, 5% will be redirected to planting trees through volunteer programs.
If you like her products, go to Deco-Box website for even more cool design ideas.
Photos: Deco Box – Anda Floriana Stancescu
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