Tags Made in RO

Tag: Made in RO

targuri de craciun 2016

5 locuri de vizitat pentru #supercadouri de Craciun

Suntem in plina vanatoare de #supercadouri, cautam sa fie originale, inspirationale, sa aduca zambete, sa si emotioneze daca se poate. Daca putem rezolva asta...
Chemistry of an office dress theurbandiva blog office style

The Chemistry of an office dress

We live our lives on fast - forward.  In the morning we are always on the run, the day quickly flies by and by...

4 Styles for a different kind of bride

A bride is not defined by what she wears on her wedding day. A bride is a bride no matter where she’s from, what...

Something for us girls and something for our men

2 nights ago I attended the first Fashion Spree Event on Baratiei 33, Bucharest, near Cocor store. 3 creative brands organized this event: Men’s...

Out of the box gifts, at Made in Ro #7

Lately, it’s been all about chasing cute, cool, original, different, perfect gifts for Christmas. I showed you lots of good ideas on my blog...

Design lovers, this is where you want to be this weekend…

This weekend, there are so many events happening in Bucharest that I can only hope time will be on my side and will let...