We live our lives on fast – forward. In the morning we are always on the run, the day quickly flies by and by the time we raise our heads from the computer the day is almost over. In this mad rush, it’s important for us women to have smart outfit solutions, those kind that save time, because why not admit it, we are always late somewhere. 🙂 My faithful readers already know that I believe in the power of the versatile wardrobe, a mix of pieces that can be used in various occasions, from the office to a movie, a love date, out with friends and even on special events. I don’t like the idea of two separate wardrobes, as in one for the office and one for the rest of the time, instead I strongly believe that the two need to be mixed to minimize costs and maximize style.
[RO] Traim pe repede – inainte. Dimineata suntem pe fuga, ziua zboara rapid si pana ne ridicam capul din calculator a trecut ziua. In goana asta nebuna, stiu cat de important este pentru noi femeile sa ne miscam cu “talent” dimineata, sa intarziem putin spre deloc si sa avem intotdeauna solutii “smart” in garderoba. Cititoarele fidele stiu ca sunt adepta garderobei versatile, adica a unui mix de piese ce poate fi folosit intr-o multitudine de ocazii, de la office, iesiri la film si pana la evenimente ceva mai deosebite. Nu imi place ideea de garderoba de servici si garderoba pentru restul timpului, ci cred cu tarie ca cele 2 trebuie sa se intrepatrunda pentru a minimiza costurile si maximiza stilul.
Of all the types of clothing, the one that seems to offer fast solutions for morning style dilemmas is the dress, and that is simply because you don’t have to think too much on how to mix with style 2 pieces of clothing. The dress is like a 2 in 1 product, it does all the hard work for you. And that saves time and sometimes money too. The only thing you have to do is to choose the right one for your needs and body type. The dress I chose for today is one perfect for the office, but it’s the kind that works in so many other situations. You change the classic high heel shoes with some biker boots and you’re ready to go out with friends. Add a leather jacket and you’ re ready to rock n roll the city. Accessorize it from pearls to statement metallic necklaces to change the whole look. It even works with sneakers and a denim jacket. You can wear it from September till May, and the best part is that is not even made in China. Nope, it’s actually #madeinRo and I found it in the new collection from Chemistry.
The creative mind behind Chemistry is Vera and I met her this spring. I was surprised how well she positioned her brand and how carefully she planned its evolution. She identified an increasing need of the young corporate women to express themselves through style, not just through reports and business presentations :), to wear comfortable, versatile and easy to mix pieces, in an attempt to get out of the boring classic business look. I like Vera and love the enthusiasm, passion and hard work that characterizes many of the young Romanian designers.
[RO] Dintre toate piesele vestimentare, cea care mi se pare mie ca iti ofera solutii rapide este rochia si asta pentru simplul fapt ca nu trebuie sa te straduiesti sa mixezi cu stil 2 piese diferite. Rochia este fix asa, 2 in 1. Rochia pe care am ales-o este una perfecta pentru office, dar zau daca nu merge foarte bine si in aproape orice alta ocazie. Schimbi pantofii eleganti cu niste ghete biker, adaugi o geaca de piele si gata, esti pregatita pentru o iesire cu prietenii. Poti sa o accesorizezi cu perle si pana la accesorii metalice statement. Merge chiar si cu tenisi si o geaca de blugi. O poti purta din septembrie si pana in mai, si spre bucuria mea nu e Made in China. 🙂 Nop, este chiar #madeinRO si am descoperit-o in noua colectie Chemistry.
Pe Vera, mintea creativa din spatele Chemistry, am cunoscut-o prin primavara si am ramas surprinsa de cat de bine si-a gandit brand-ul si evolutia lui. Ea a identificat o nevoie din ce in ce mai mare a “corporatistelor” de a se exprima si prin stil, nu doar prin rapoarte si prezentari, de a adopta tinute confortabile, versatile si usor de mixat, in incercarea de a iesi din tiparul plictisitor al stilului clasic de “business”. Imi place mult de Vera si imi place si avantul, pasiunea si munca asidua ce ii caracterizeaza pe multi din tinerii designeri romani.
Because I deeply support #coolpeople and #coolthings #madeinro, I support Vera too, whose collections can be found on chemistry-studio.com.
What do you think about the #madeinro design? I challenge you to tell me your honest opinion about the brands you know, because your opinions matter to the designers and to me also.
[RO] Pentru ca sustin #oamenimisto si #lucrurifaine #madeinro, o sustin cu drag si pe Vera, ale carei colectii le gasiti pe chemistry-studio.com
Voi ce parere aveti despre designul #madeinro? Va provoc sa va spuneti sincer parerea despre brandurile cunoscute de voi, pentru ca parerile acestea conteaza atat pentru mine cat si pentru ei.
Dress: Chemistry
Necklaces: SASHaccessories
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foarte draguta tinuta, iar pozele sunt reusite 🙂
Ah, chiar, ce piesa versatila e rochita asta. Pot si eu, la fel ca tine, sa-mi imaginez multe tinute cu ea! 🙂
E foarte faina rochita! Imi place si croiala, si culoarea! 🙂
Iar pozele…sunt facute la tine acasa? 🙂
Imi plac mult pozele,vorbesc de la sine.
Chiar e tare frumoasa si versatila rochia asta! Ar trebui sa-mi fac si eu curaj sa port mai des rochie, ma enerveaza ca gasesc rar lungimea care mi se potriveste 🙁
Nu prea le am eu cu rochiile si fustele, dar cand aleg sa port una, it’s gotta be the perfect one. ^_^
Cred ca asta se aplica si femeilor “corporatiste”. O tinuta care nu e time consuming si stylish.
Imi place rochia si ma incanta sa aud de producatori romani.
Imi place tare mult in combinatie cu geaca de piele si bocanci, eu asa as purta-o 😉 Eu am descoperit Giorgal, un brand romanesc, ce are lucruri tare frumoase.
[…] de haine #madeinro, dedicata in special ‘corporatistelor’, o marca despre care v-am povestit si aici. In timp ce ma gandeam ce outfit-uri sa incerc, fotografa a surprins aceste […]