Smart Earrings Added to the Smart Jewelry Trend

    For some women, shoes are their thing. For others, bags are the IT accessories. While another category prefers jewelry to any other fashion item. And within this latter category, there’s a smaller one that prefers earrings. If you’re part of it, you’ll definitely want to keep on reading (but, even if you’re not, it’s always interesting to see what the tech side of fashion has to offer).

    We’ve seen the smart ring, we’ve seen the smart bracelet, and we’ve seen the smart locket. Now the smart jewelry circle is complete with the smart earring Ear-o-smart from Bio-Sensive Technologies.

    ear-o-smartSaid to be “the world’s first smart earring (patent pending)”, Ear-o-smart can monitor your heart rate, the calories you burn, and your activity level throughout the day, and send it to your smartphone. It does exactly what your normal fitness tracker does, only it’s smaller and more fashionable. Impressive how all that technology could fit underneath that small stylish surface, isn’t it? Which brings us to another interesting aspect: it is also customizable! The guys at Bio-Sensive Technologies are offering a Do-It-Yourself kit that allows you to pair the tracker hardware with a variety of earring designs. It also offers the option to select between clip-on and normal earrings.

    To me, it’s just another interesting fashiontech concept and proof that this trend is gaining ground. If you want to learn more about the technology behind this concept, check it out on Kickstarter. Unfortunately, the project did not reached its funding goal last year, but one can only hope the concept will catch on.

    Would you wear an earring-fitness tracker? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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    Emma is a professional blogger, working in the tech industry, and founder of As a contributor for theUrbanDiva, Emma will put on her FashionTechie hat and guide you through all the fab #fashiontech trends – from wearable tech, smart fabrics to 3D printing. Be sure to follow her on Twitter @FashTechie.

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