Keep your phone charged all the time with QBracelet

    QBracelet fashiontech gadget that charges your phone

    Ladies, it’s that phone battery again! You’re probably thinking I’m obsessed with it. The thing is, we’ve come to depend so much on our phones for so many personal things that it’s absolutely necessary to keep them ‘alive and kicking’ all the time. Which is why I’m always on the lookout for gadgets that can perform this task, but perform it with style!

    If you think Mini by Everpurse I was telling you in my previous post isn’t up for the “all the time” challenge, I found a stylish piece of wrist candy that is.

    It’s the QBracelet by QDesigns, and I have to confess: it gave me some fashion-geek joy when I first saw it.

    At first glance, it’s a beautiful bracelet that easily clips onto your wrist. To me, it’s actually a piece of jewelry that speaks simplicity and good taste. But it’s more than that. It’s a phone charger that can charge a device up to 60%. It comes in 4 colors, 3 sizes and other cool specs. Be sure to check out the full list of QBracelet specs here.

    What do you think about it? Let’s chat in the comments section below!


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    Emma is a professional blogger, working in the tech industry, and founder of As a contributor for theUrbanDiva, Emma will put on her FashionTechie hat and guide you through all the fab #fashiontech trends – from wearable tech, smart fabrics to 3D printing. Be sure to follow her on Twitter @FashTechie.

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