Remember that little locket that grandma used to keep grandpa’s picture in? What a beautiful piece of jewelry! And what better way to keep your dear ones close to your heart, right? Nostalgia aside, Purple from Artefact is one piece of wearable tech that brings the “keepsake” functionality to stylish jewelry. But obviously, since we’re talking fashion tech here, the functionality is technologically enhanced to fit the 21st century lifestyle. And the reasoning behind the concept is quite interesting:
Even though Apple introduced a great platform, it still doesn’t know how to provide greater meaning,” said Jennifer Darmour, design director at Artefact, in an interview for Wired. “It’s not about collecting 500 friends, but finding an experience that can enrich the core people you care about, no matter where they are.”
So Darmour’s message is pretty simple: whenever you feel like you need a pause, just look at your Purple to disconnect from your work. It’s what will get you through any hardship in this busy life.
Curious to know how the locket works? As with many wearables, it comes with a mobile app that enables you to send messages and customize your keepsakes – photos of dear ones – using filters and effects. Check out Purple by Artefact: the Smart Locket of the 21st Century to learn more about its exciting features.
Now, it’s worth mentioning that the device is still in prototype phase. But I truly believe that it has great chances of reaching many jewelry boxes once it becomes available for purchase.
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What do you think of it? Would you wear it for its functionality or for its emotional meaning?