Era o vreme cand in Romania oferta de rochii de mireasa era extrem de limitata, adica in afara de Casa Venus nu prea aveai de unde si ce alege. In timp insa, din ce in ce mai multi designeri au avut curajul sa deschida ateliere si sa se avante cu entuziasm in antreprenoriat.
[EN] There was a time in Romania when besides one fashion house, there was literally no place where you could find a decent wedding dress. In time, however, more and more local designers had the courage to start their own businesses and open their showrooms.
Pentru mine, este o bucurie si o mandrie sa vad ca avem multi designeri talentati, indiferent de domeniul unde activeaza, ca fac eforturi mari pentru a evolua si se straduiesc sa concureze cu cele mai consacrate branduri din industrie. Ma bucura cu atat mai mult faptul ca de cativa ani romanii au invatat sa dea o sansa si design-ului #madeinro, ca au invatat sa ii sustina si sa il cumpere, ca nu il mai plaseaza pe un loc inferior un fata brandurilor internationale, ca au inteles ca designerii nu pot evolua daca nu sunt luati in seama. Designul de calitate #madeinro este acum un fapt, iar creativii romani au aratat ca se poate si la noi, ca putem face mult cu resurse putine.
De curand am avut ocazia sa observ indeaproape cea mai recenta colectie semnata Athena Philip, Royal Essence, colectie pe care o puteti vedea si voi in showroom-ul din Calea Dorobantilor 56. Alina, designer-ul din spatele brand-ului, creaza cu succes din 2013 colectii pentru mirese si rochii de seara, incercand sa ofere stiluri diferite, de la cele clasice si pana la croieli moderne, uneori extravangante. Mergand pe ideea ca miresele sunt atat de diferite, stilurile pe care le veti regasi in showroom sunt si ele foarte diferite, de la rochite scurte si pana la cele super sofisticate.
[EN] For me it is a joy and pride to see that we have so many talented designers, no matter their fields, that make great efforts to develop and strive to compete with major brands in the industry. I’m even more happy to see that in the past few years, Romanians have learned to give #madeinro design a chance, they learned to support it and buy it and no longer place it on inferior level than international brands. The quality of #madeinro design is now a fact and Romanian creatives have shown that we can do more with fewer resources.
Recently, I had the opportunity to observe closely the latest collection signed Athena Philip, Royal Essence, collection that can be found in the Dorobantilor 56 showroom. Alina, the designer behind the brand, creates wonderful wedding and evening collections, trying to offer different styles, from classic and modern cuts to sometimes extravagant ones. Considering the idea that brides are so different, the styles that you will find in the showroom are also very different, from short dresses to the super sophisticated long ones.
Din cea mai recenta colectie, Royal Essence, imi plac in mod deosebit acelea cu transparente si detalii de dantela fina si cele cu slit adanc. Sunt intr-un soi de echilibru intre cuminte si provocator, sexy atat cat trebuie, dar cu siguranta delicate si moderne.
Pe de alta parte, raman indragostita de clasicul elegant, de dantela multa si fina, asa ca mi s-a parut superba rochia aceasta, ce evoca cel mai bine ideea de “Royal Essence”.
[EN] From the latest collection, Royal Essence, I especially loved those with transparencies and details of fine lace and those with deep cut. On the other hand, I remain in love with the elegant classic, with lots of delicate lace, so I simply love this dress that best evokes the idea of “Royal Essence”.
In showroom regasiti si o colectie tare frumoasa de rochii de seara cu multa catifea, matase si dantela colorata, cu detalii fine si croieli interesante.
Dragele mele, nunti frumoase sa aveti, ca de variante de imbracat nu ne mai putem plange ca ducem lipsa. 🙂
In Athena Philip’s showroom you will also discover a beautiful collection of evening dresses with lots of velvet, silk and coloured lace, fine details and interesting cuts.
My dears, may you have beautiful weddings, because we can’t really complain that there’s nothing to choose from. 🙂
Photos: Courtesy of Athena Philip
PS. In cazul in care nu ati aflat inca, pentru miresele ce simt presiunea de a arata perfect in ziua nuntii si nu stiu exact de unde sa inceapa cautarile si nici ce li s-ar potrivi cu adevarat, am lansat serviciile de consultanta de imagine si stil. Cititi aici toate detaliile si daca aveti intrebari scrieti-mi la [email protected].
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