Tag: outfits
Ce tinute aleg pentru festival
“Cu ce ma imbrac la festival?”
este intrebarea pe care am tot primit-o in ultimele zile, pentru ca suntem in plin sezon de festivaluri si...
30 de idei de tinute colorate pentru iarna care te vor...
Ce ar fi daca in iarna asta ai purta tinute colorate?! Pentru mine...o adevarata nebunie! :)
Sezonul rece este momentul in care mai toti intram...
New Year’s Eve last minute outfit solutions
If you’re like me, you might have no idea what to wear on this NYE and if that’s true this selection of party outfits...
The multi-purpose wardrobe
Is your wardrobe multipurpose? And no, I'm not talking about the closet itself... :)
Every time I’m going shopping, I have a rule that helps...
10 tips on what to wear on New Year’s Eve when...
One more day until New Year’s Eve and you have nothing to wear. Out of lack of time, or maybe money, you haven’t bought...
8 things you really need to know on how to wear...
When it comes to animal prints, people have mixed feelings about them, mostly because some love that wild side they’re revealing, and some fear...