Ce ar fi daca in iarna asta ai purta tinute colorate?! Pentru mine…o adevarata nebunie! 🙂
Sezonul rece este momentul in care mai toti intram intr-un soi de doliu stilistic…unde te uiti, vezi doar culori inchise, incaltaminte neagra, maxim in tonuri pamantii, genti terne, etc. Exceptie face sotul meu, care inafara de vreo 2 pulovere si cateva tricouri, nu cred sa aiba ceva negru in garderoba. In peisajul mohorat, el este pata de culoare. 🙂
[EN] What if this winter you would wear colorful outfits ?! For me it would be… a real madness! ?
Winter is the time when almost all of us go into some sort of style mourning … wherever you look, you see only dark colors, black shoes or earthy tones, dull bags, etc. The exception is my husband, who besides two sweaters and some t-shirts, I doubt he has anything black in his wardrobe. In this gloomy landscape, he is the splash of color. ?
Eu in schimb, am o relatie de prietenie stransa cu negrul si de iubire profunda cu gri si roz, asa ca, inspirata de sot si simtind nevoia de un strop de culoare pe strazile terne ale orasului, va propun sa facem o “indrazneala” si sa folosim culorile in aceasta iarna.
Acum, eu stiu ca negrul e la indemana, e sexy si slabeste, e in ton cu vremea care nu prea te imbie la culoare, dar daca veti incerca ce va propun, garantat va veti simti mai energice si posibil mai fericite.
[EN] Me instead, I have a close friendship with black and a deep love with gray and pink. So, inspired by my husband and feeling the need for a touch of color on the dull streets of the city, I dare you to use color this winter.
Now, I know that black is at hand, it’s sexy and makes you look slim, it’s in tune with the weather which invites you to anything but color, but if you try colored outfits, I guarantee you will feel more energetic and possible happier.
Notiuni de baza in combinarea culorilor intr-o tinuta…
Alb si nuantele de alb merg cu orice…
Negru merge cu aproape orice…De exemplu nu v-as recomanda negru cu maro inchis, sau negru cu bleumarin foarte inchis, pentru simplu fapt ca nu va aduce nimic din punct de vedere stilistic.
Culorile neutre merg cu orice, iar griul ramane favoritul meu. Pentru cele cu tonalitatea pielii calda, nuantele de crem, camel sunt perfecte ca baza peste care puteti adauga culoare.
Culorile complementare: Rosu – Verde, Galben – Mov si Portocaliu – Albastru se evidentiaza una pe celealta, dar v-as recomanda sa le folositi la intensitati diferite.
Culorile vecine din roata culorilor se potenteaza reciproc si arata senzational. Puteti folosi linistite nuante ale acestora.
[EN] Basic notions for combining colors in an outfit
White and shades of white go with anything …
Black goes with almost anything … For example I wouldn’t recommend black with dark brown or black with very dark blue, for the simple fact that it will not bring anything in terms of style.
Neutral colors go with anything and gray remains my favorite. For those with warm skin tone, the different shades of beige, camel are perfect as a basis on which you can add different colors.
Complementary Colors : Red – Green, Yellow – Purple and Orange – Blue highlight one another, but I would recommend to use them at different intensities/shades.
Neighbour colors from the color wheel look sensational together. Choose 2-3 neighbour colors and mix them using different shades.
Va las pentru inspiratie 30 de tinute in combinatii uluitoare si va astept sa imi spuneti daca ati indraznit sa le purtati si voi.
[EN] I leave you for inspiration 30 stunning combinations and can’t wait for you to tell me if you dare to wear them too.
PS. O sa vedeti ca in multe din poze se regaseste o blogerita rusoaica, Ellena Galant de la GalantGirl.com. Este una dintre blogeritele foarte pasionate de culoare, asa ca daca o veti urmari in social media, o sa vedeti combinatii de culori la care nu v-ati fi gandit, asa ca ea reprezinta o sursa foarte buna de inspiratie in folosirea culorilor.
Foto: Pinterest (link-uri in contul meu); galantgirl.com, costum rosu si palton roz, pantalon rosu si palton roz; palton mov si pantalon rosu teracota; fusta bleo si cardigan mov pruna; tinuta albastra si cizme oliv; tinuta gri albastrui si ghete grena; tinuta rosu – portocaliu – albastru; tinuta verde inchis-galben
Photos: GalantGirl.com and Pinterest (links on my account)
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