I’m a DIVA

Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world. – Marilyn Monroe


They say I’m a diva. And it’s true! Whether I’m wearing my red stilettos or my colored converse shoes, I’m a diva. Yes, converse shoes! You read it right. Being a diva isn’t about what you wear, but about how you feel. Have you ever thought about the concept of a diva outside the covers of a magazine? We usually think of a diva as a singer, an actress, a woman who wants to be admired. All definitions of this word are reduced to images. Let’s take a look from another point of view.

Diva is a woman who wears her smile like a precious piece of jewelry, she is aware of her beauty and lets it light up her face. This is not about clothes, heels height or hair color. It’s about the smile, this fabulous accessory (which goes perfect with every outfit, by the way) that she puts on her face before leaving the house.

We are tempted to look at faces in magazines and we want to look like them. We pay attention to standards that even those faces can’t reach. Did you ever ask yourselves how many pictures were taken before the perfect smile was caught and placed on the cover that convinced you to buy the magazine? I’m not talking about the Photoshop part, but only about the smile. And that smile is the one that must be with us every single day, the accessory smile, the smile that brings the sunshine to our eyes and beautiful thoughts.

I’m a diva. But before being the diva embracing the city day by day, I am a woman. I am like you, like your sister, like your friend. I wake up in the morning and I stop the clock a few times before getting out of bed. I stumble through the house for one hour – at least! – before leaving it in the morning. I don’t know about you, but I can’t leave the house without eating my breakfast. Then, a brief makeup session follows – day cream, sometimes foundation or just powder, mascara and blush – and I’m out. Coffee? Of course. I like drinking my coffee at the office while reading my emails. Have I mentioned anything unusual so far? I don’t think so. I’m just like you. Always on the run, always with a thousand thoughts on my mind and a thousand things to do. But in all that restlessness, I remember to look up at the sky, I remember to smile. I like being admired and I also admire the beauty around me. People and places. Women and sunshine. Children and their shiny smiles. I wear my heels with elegance and my converse shoes with peace of mind. I am woman and child, I enjoy every miracle the day has to offer.

I’m a diva. I’m the one you see smiling on the street, I’m the woman who looks at you from the mirror. Next time you’re running on the street, take a moment and look up at the sky. That lovely blue will make your day!

I know that there are times when you need some reasons to smile. It’s okay, we’ll find them together. Stay with us and be the diva we know you are!


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Andres is working in the publishing industry and is the co-founder of www.serialreaders.com. She believes that everything happens for a reason. She has published a book and also writes on her own blog, aliasgreen.aboutblank.ro. As a contributor for theUrbanDiva, Andres will guide you through the fabulous world of books, those books that make you dream and smile. Follow her on Facebook & Twitter

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