Hooray! Today I’m launching the Bride Stylist Service, dedicated mainly to Romanian brides. As some of you may know by now, before theUrbanDiva, I was for many years a wedding dress designer, so, today I’m getting back to another thing I love to do…consultancy for brides. It’s pretty simple: I have the knowledge and the professional background, I love weddings and wedding dresses and I love to talk :)…that being said, I’m perfect for the job.
I’ve been thinking about it for a while now, and I truly believe that all brides should have someone like me by their side :). Choosing the best dress, managing your family’s and friend’s opinions, managing your own doubts, making sure the wedding dress is perfectly cut for you, that the accessories are well chosen, that it’s not too much or too less, all of this can be overwhelming.
So, if you need a friend with the right answers, give me a call, but before you do that, check out the dedicated pages of this service, where I explain everything you need to know.
For a better understanding of this service, all the details are written in Romanian.
Fetelor, daca urmeaza sa va casatoriti si inca nu stiti cu ce sa va imbracati, sunt convinsa ca va pot ajuta.
Serviciul de Consultanta de Imagine si Stil pentru Mirese a fost impartit astfel incat sa acopere toate nevoile voastre si sa va dea posibilitatea sa alegeti varianta cea mai buna pentru voi.
Ce inseamna “Bride Stylist”, cu ce va ajuta si daca vi se potriveste, puteti descoperi citind aici.
Am povestit mai multe despre serviciile si tarifele aferente lor in paginile dedicate:
Evaluare Stilistică & Consultanță de Imagine
Acum va las sa cititi toate detaliile si daca aveti nevoie de serviciie mele, stiti deja unde ma gasiti!
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