In viata mea nu am plans atat citind o carte. Desigur, nu este prima carte care ma face sa plang si nici prima care ma emotioneaza teribil, dar sa plang pe parcursul a mai mult de jumatate din carte este o performanta notabila.
Am primit cartea asta de ziua mea, de la cele mai bune prietene ale mele. Una dintre ele o citise si mi-a spus cand mi-a dat-o: “O sa plangi, dar o sa iti placa.” Si ea a plans, desigur, dar nici chiar ca mine. M-am apucat sa o citesc tocmai cand ma prinsese si o raceala din aceea cu tuse enervanta de iti dau lacrimile, aia de nici o masa ca lumea nu poti avea, nu mai zic de o conversatie. Dupa primele 3 pagini plangeam… tuseam si plangeam, tuseam si plangeam caci da, plansetul declanseaza tusea. 🙂
[EN] In my entire life I haven’t cried so much while reading a book. Of course, it’s not the first book that makes me cry, nor the first that touches me deeply, but to weep while reading more than half a book it’s a notable performance.
I received this book as a birthday gift from my best friends. One of them had read it and told me: “You will cry, but you will love it”. Of course she had cried too, but not really as much as I did. I started reading it when I caught a cold, that type of cold with an annoying cough that gives you tears, the type that makes it impossible to have a decent meal, not to mention a conversation. After the first 3 pages I was already crying… coughing and crying, coughing and crying because yes, the crying triggers the coughing. 🙂
Am aflat ca inca faceau pe bufonii in masina in momentul in care camionul i-a lovit. Mi-am spus ca au murit razand. Mi-am spus ca as fi vrut sa fiu cu ei.
Asa incepe povestea din “Oamenii fericiti citesc si beau cafea”, una trista rau. Nu vreau sa va dezvalui foarte multe, pentru ca as vrea sa o cititi si sa o simtiti. Ca si mine, protagonista are o familie frumoasa cu un sot si o fetita. Spre deosebire de ea, familia mea este langa mine. (Multumesc tuturor Sfintilor pentru asta) A ei s-a sfarsit intr-o fractiune de secunda, in aceeasi fractiune in care multi oameni dragi sunt pierduti chiar si acum, in timp ce scriu eu randurile astea. Atat de fragil e totul si cu atat mai mult trebuie sa fi recunoscator pentru fericirea pe care o traiesti, aceea de a-ti avea oamenii dragi alaturi, de a-i vedea si simti, de a-i atinge, saruta, mirosi, imbratisa… Desigur, nu totul este perfect, dar imperfectiunea asta este perfecta comparand-o cu pierderea ei definitiva.
Cum poti trai cand in tine totul e mort? Cum supravietuiesti zilelor cand nu vrei sa traiesti, cum reusesti sa te ridici cand nu vrei decat sa zaci, cum reusesti sa respiri cand simti ca nu mai ai aer?
I found out they were still fooling around in the car when the truck crashed into them. I told myself they were still laughing when they died. I told myself that I should have been with them.
[EN] This is how the story in “Happy People Read And Drink Coffee” begins, a really sad one. Like me, the main character has a beautiful family with a husband and daughter. Unlike her, my family is with me. (Thanks to all the Saints for that) Hers was ended in a split second, the same second in which many people’s loved ones are lost even now as I write these lines. That fragile everything is and even more you have to be grateful for the happiness you live, that of having your dear ones next to you, to see and feel them, to touch, kiss, smell and embrace them… Certainly not everything is perfect, but this imperfection is perfect comparing it with its definitive loss.
How can you live when everything in you is dead? How can you survive the days when you do not want to live, how do you manage to get up when you only want to lie down, how can you breathe when you feel you have no air?
Ei bine, va trebui sa cititi cartea ca sa vedeti daca Diane (personajul principal) isi va reveni, cum arata drumul ei spre impacarea cu sine si cu destinul ei, daca si cum reuseste sa se ridice si catre ce locuri si experiente o vor purta pasii.
E o carte usor de citit, dar pe care o veti “trai” intens. O puteti termina in cateva ore, dar va va marca pentru mult timp, mai ales pe cele ce aveti familii. Cred ca o puteti simti cu adevarat daca aveti familii cu copii, pentru ca poti usor relationa cu Diane. Talentul scriitoarei nu consta neaparat in a da nastere unei povesti fantastice (subiectul nefiind vreunul nou), ci a modalitatii in care descrie trairile Dianei, una care te face sa le traiesti si tu. Iti imaginezi protagonista cu usurinta, ii “vezi” reactiile si ii simti durerea. Puternic. (Sau cel putin eu 🙂
PS 1. Nu o sa ghiciti niciodata de la ce vine titlul cartii, decat daca o cititi.
PS 2. O sa plangeti, dar o sa va placa. Sau poate nu. 🙂
PS 3. Are si o continuare.
PS 4. De baut cafea beau, de citit citesc, deci fericita sunt.
Daca cititi cartea, sunt curioasa daca v-a placut si cum v-a facut sa va simtiti.
[EN] Well, you’ll have to read the book to see if Diane (the main character) will recover, how does her road to reconciliation with herself and her destiny looks like, whether and how she manages to rise and to what places and experiences will her steps carry her.
It’s an easy book to read, but you will live it intensively. You can finish it in a few hours, but it will ‘stay’ with you for a long time. The writer’s talent lies not necessarily in giving birth to a
fantastic story (the subject is not a new one), but in the way of describing Diana’s feelings, a way that makes you live them too. You easily imagine the character, you “see” her reactions and feel her pain. Strong. (Or at least I did 🙂
PS 1. You will never guess from what comes the title of the book unless you read it.
PS 2. You will cry, but you’ll love it. Or not. 🙂
PS 3. It has a continuation.
PS 4. I drink coffee, I read, therefore I’m happy.
If you read the book, let me know how it made you feel.
Photos: mine and
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[…] ca esti sau nu de acord cu el. Pe langa aceasta, trebuie sa iti spun ca ea este continuarea cartii “Oamenii fericiti citesc si beau cafea”, o carte care pe mine m-a rascolit teribil dar mi-a si placut, de altfel si singura carte la care […]