Cool place, cool bag, cool times…

    …and probably too many “cool”(s) in my title.

    Since weekends are for family and friends (and a little bit of work from time to time) and yesterday was such a beautiful day, the 3 of us (husband, daughter and me) met some close friends in the park and then stopped for lunch at a really cool place, called SIMBIO. We served our lunch in the garden, at a really long table, with about 10 other strangers and, oddly for me, I didn’t feel uncomfortable at all.


    And just because I always try to do at least two things at the same time (because I secretly desire to be a superwoman, but sadly, I rarely manage to pull it off 🙂 ), yesterday I actually did some “work” too, if work means visiting the Urban Accessory Fair @ Simbio (in the attic), where I discovered Bookletta, the first bag made for books.

    The first thing that came through my mind was my friend Andres (book addict, writer, contributing editor at theUrbanDiva – Diva’s Books, Serial Reader and blogger), and through this article I want to tell her: “Girl, I found the perfect bag for you!”

    For those of you who always carry a book, now you can show it off. Bookletta has a special see-through compartment that makes it easy to access your book, protect it from the whole bunch of things we women always carry with us, and most importantly promote reading.

    Because its designer – Sanda Cojocaru –  is a book lover herself  (how else she could create a book’s best bag) she delivers each custom-made bag with a book inside. How cool is this?!

    You can discover which size and shape of Bookletta you like most on its dedicated website.

    For me, yesterday was the perfect end of a not so perfect week, so I’m glad I could spend it in a cool place, discovering a cool bag and enjoying a good time with my family.

    Photos:, Simbio

    Life is good…most of the times,



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