Have you ever walked on the street and, out of the blue, someone smiled at you? You smiled back, didn’t you?
I’ve seen happy people, those people who walk down the street, enjoying the moment. They look at the sky, they admire the trees, they do some window shopping, they look at the people around them and smile. Sometimes, when I’m down in the dumps, I envy them. I would like to be the one smiling at the world, spreading happiness all over the place.
Behind every single smile lies a story. Also, a story lies behind a sad face. We all are stories, sad ones, and happy ones. We are real stories that deserve to be told.
The other day I ran into an old friend. I was in a hurry, and she was daydreaming. In the few minutes that we talked I found out that she had just quit her job. She had told her boss that she would leave the company in order to begin her own business.
I know it will be damn hard, she said, but the fact that I won’t have to wake up in the morning for a job where I’m not appreciated gives me confidence that everything will be ok.
Sometimes you have to give up something to get more, to find your happiness. My friend gave up a job that was no longer satisfying, in order to do something for herself. The smile that was lightning her face was the evidence the she could move mountains, the power was in her hands.
When you get rid of a burden, when you take an important decision, there is nothing that can stop you from smiling. If you stop for one moment and look around you, you’ll see stories, not just people. Some of them smile because they had a good morning, others smile because they heard a funny conversation or because they remembered something. There are also those who are in love, their smile could not be wiped off their faces no matter what would happen. Do you remember those days when you were in love? Didn’t you feel like you could conquer the world? And, you know what? You can do this right now. How would it be like to be in love every day? You should fall in love with the dawn, with his – your lover’s – smile, with the sun, with that mysterious stranger at the subway or the pretty guy in the café. Look around you! There are so many reasons to smile…
like making new friends…
There are days when we feel worthless, those rainy days when everything seems to go wrong, and we rather want to shut off. Imagine that all those around us are smiling. Perhaps their smiles wouldn’t chase away the clouds, but certainly everything around them would be brighter.
Each of us worries, has dozens of problems to solve, but only one is more important than the rest: to find our strength, to see the bright side of all things, to smile.
Next time when you walk down the street, instead of looking down, look ahead. Look at the sky, and watch the people around you. Forget for one second about your problems and smile. You’ll see that those smiles that you’ll receive back will give you the energy you need.
Happy people are among us, are you one of them? Have you smiled today, divas?
Photos: Pinterest
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