Bine ai venit 34! Sunt pregatita…
[EN] Welcome 34! I’m ready…
Pentru ca tocmai am implinit 34 de ani, mi-am dorit sa continui seria de texte inceputa acum 2 ani, la aniversarea celor 32 de ani (32 Wisdom Street si 33 Wisdom Street), adaugand cateva randuri la seria de lectii invatate si experiente traite.
Dupa 30 de ani devii cu adevarat femeie. Candva pe parcursul ultimului an am devenit mai femeie decat am fost vreodata, mai sigura pe mine si mai mandra de evolutia mea ca om. Mi-am asumat mai mult, am avut mai mult curaj, atat in alegerile personale sau profesionale, cat si ca stil. Am incercat mai mult, am vrut sa ies putin din zona de confort si de multe ori am reusit. E un drum lung si asta, dar m-am bucurat ca pentru prima data, anul asta nu doar am incercat sa ma autodepasesc, ci am si inregistrat cateva succese.
[EN] Since I have just turned 34, I wanted to continue the series of texts started 2 years ago, on my 32 anniversary(32 Wisdom Street and 33 Wisdom Street), adding a few lessons I learned and experiences I lived.
You truly become WOMAN after turning 30 years old. Sometime during this last year I have become more woman that I’ve ever been, more certain of myself and more proud of my evolution as a human being. I had more courage, I’ve done more, both in my personal and professional life, I tried to get out of my comfort zone and many times I succeeded. It’s still a long way and I still have many things to do, but I’m glad that not only have I tried, but sometimes I also succeeded.
Sa construiesti ceva cere timp, multa munca si mai ales rabdare. De fel, vreau sa fac pasi de urias si sa nu ma clatin nicicum. Vreau sa cresc repede si sa imi iasa totul din prima. Nu imi place sa peticesc, prefer sa ma gandesc de mai multe ori inainte sa fac ceva si apoi am pretentia de la mine sa il fac perfect… si repede. Anul asta a trebuit sa invat sa am rabdare, sa admit ca nu pot si nu am cum sa le fac pe toate, sa nu mai sufar mult cand lucrurile nu imi ies exact cum le planuisem. #controlfreak (stiu)
Sa crezi cu tot sufletul ca vei reusi te duce mai departe decat iti poti imagina. Stiu ca toata lumea stie ca e important sa crezi in tine si in calea ta, dar nimeni nu iti spune si cum sa faci asta cand lucrurile nu merg chiar bine, cand rezultatele intarzie, cand entuziasmul si optimismul iti scad. Anul asta am invatat cum sa trec si peste crize si zile negre, cum sa imi regasesc increderea si sa cred cu toata inima ca mi-am gasit drumul. Printre altele, m-a ajutat mult si cartea asta.
Sa iti tii fricile sub control e greu, dar beneficiile asupra vietii sunt uluitoare. Toti avem anumite temeri, pe multi ne apuca panica din cand in cand iar eu nu fac exceptie de la regula. La cate lucruri urate se intampla in jurul nostru, e dificil sa nu te lasi afectat. Nu le poti ocoli, dar le poti admite si tine sub control intr-o oarecare masura. Acea masura face diferenta, acea masura te tine departe de un blocaj emotional, te tine departe de pierderea sperantei si iti inclina balanta catre ganduri pozitive. Pana la urma, orice se poate intampla in orice moment, dar prefer sa ma gandesc ca in orice moment lucruri minunate mi se pot intampla.
[EN] Building anything takes time, a lot of work and especially patience. Usually, I like to make giant steps and not shake even a little bit. I want to grow fast and I love when things are getting done perfectly from the first try. I hate to patch, I prefer to think twice before doing anything and then I claim from me perfection. Well, this year I had to learn to be patient, to admit that I cannot do everything and stop being mad when things don’t go exactly as I had planned.
Believing with all your heart that you can succeed takes you further than you can imagine. I know everyone knows it’s important to believe in yourself and in the path you’ve chosen, but nobody tells you how to do that when things don’t go so well, when results somehow fail to appear, when enthusiasm and optimism start to fall. This year I learned how to get over crises and ‘rainy’ days, how to keep believing with all my heart that I have found my way. Among other things, this book helped me a lot.
Keeping your fears under control is difficult, but the benefits on your life are amazing. We all have fears, many of us start panicking for all sorts of reasons and I am no exception to the rule. Considering how many bad things are happening every day in the world, it’s difficult not to be affected. You cannot avoid it, but you can admit it and keep the fear under control in some measure. This measure is what makes the difference, this measure keeps you away from emotional blockage, keeps you away from losing hope and tips the balance towards positive thoughts. After all, anything can happen at any time, but now I prefer to think that at any moment wonderful things can happen.
Am invatat sa las lucrurile sa se intample si sa am incredere ca voi gasi rezolvarea la orice.
Sansele se ivesc cand trebuie si rar se intampla sa fie fix cand voiai tu. Anul asta am abordat “problema” asta diferit. Am asteptat… stiind ca se vor ivi cand va trebui. Cand mi-a iesit in cale, am incercat sa prind ocazia si de multe ori mi-a iesit. Am intalnit numai oameni frumosi si buni anul asta si mi-au devenit tare dragi. Pe unii ii pusesem pe o lista mentala de oameni care imi plac si pe care as vrea sa ii intalnesc candva, pe altii i-am intalnit din intamplare. Si ce frumoasa intamplare…
[EN] I learned to let things happen and trust that I will find a solution for everything.
Chances arise when they have to and rarely when you want to. This year I approached this ‘problem’ differently. I waited …knowing that they will arise at the perfect moment. When it happened, I tried to catch the chance and sometimes I succeeded, when they didn’t happen, I didn’t get mad. Maybe surprisingly to some, this year I met only good and beautiful people, some were on my wish list and some were met by chance. Such a good chance…
Am o lista intreaga de planuri, proiecte si un drum lung de strabatut, dar acum stiu si cum sa il abordez. Pe rand, pas cu pas. Printre planurile si promisiunile fata de mine se numara si timp mai mult pentru mine si pentru sanatatea mea. Vedem la anul daca mi-a iesit…
Voi ce experiente faine ati trait si ce ati mai adauga pe lista de invataminte?
I have a whole list of plans, projects and a long way to go, but now I know and how to approach it. One by one, step by step. Among those plans and promises I made to myself is to take more time for me and my health. We’ll see next year if I made it…
What experiences have you lived and what important lessons have you learned?
Photo: Cris Petcu Photographa
Outfit: Chemistry
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