E dimineata. Nu insa si una dintre cele bune. Am dormit prost, m-am trezit de vreo doua ori azi-noapte, ma simt deja obosita si fara chef si sunt in perioada aceea a lunii. Imi vine sa ma cuibaresc din...
Mi-am cumparat prin ianuarie o fusta midi cu paiete crem-auriu. Am gasit-o la Depot 96 in timp ce cautam ceva dragut pentru o prietena si culmea, era la reducere. Doamne ce imi place cand gasesc comori la preturi mici....
Ma uit pe geam si vad un soare puternic. Pare asa prietenos si vremea calda. Ies afara si o rafala de vant ma izbeste. Inghet instant. La naiba, iar m-am pacalit. Asa imi trebuie daca nu verific starea vremii...
Asa imi place vara si asa de greu ma despart de ea de nu va zic… Cu tot cu ale ei 34 de grade. ;)
La fel de greu imi vine si sa renunt la tinutele de vara, asa ca...
Exista tinute simpatice, exista tinute confortabile, exista tinute sexy si exista acel tip de tinuta care le are pe toate... dar in doze optime. Cam asa am simtit eu cand mi-a iesit combinatia asta colorata care m-a facut sa...
I’ve met many women in my life, but the ones that impressed me the most were the ones young at heart. Some were not the prettiest, some were not the skinniest, some had counted many years of life and...
These last 3 weeks have been really crazy as I have been working with almost no break to finish delivering all my SASHaccessories Christmas orders. I know I haven’t been very active on the blog and on my social...
We live our lives on fast - forward. In the morning we are always on the run, the day quickly flies by and by the time we raise our heads from the computer the day is almost over. In...
Last week I was telling you on my FB page that I discovered a sweatshirt in my husband’s closet that he wasn’t wearing anymore and I wanted to try to restyle it and see if I can transform it...
The thing that I love most about fashion it’s its power: to change opinions and moods, to influence how people see you or how you see yourself and most importantly, to influence how you feel inside.
It’s true that, in...