These last 3 weeks have been really crazy as I have been working with almost no break to finish delivering all my SASHaccessories Christmas orders. I know I haven’t been very active on the blog and on my social media pages, because there has been literally no time at all. I’m still in a hurry, but I wanted to show you some behind the scenes pictures from a photo shooting day.

[RO] Ultimele 3 saptamani au fost nebune – nebune, totul s-a desfasurat pe repede – inainte, iar eu am lucrat aproape fara pauza ca sa pot termina si livra la timp toate comenzile SASHaccessories. Stiu ca nu am fost prea activa pe blog sau pe canalele mele de social media, dar pe bune ca abia am avut timp sa dorm cateva ore pe noapte. Inca mai am cateva lucruri de terminat pana la Craciun, deci tot pe fuga sunt, dar chiar am vrut sa va arat cateva poze de la cea mai recenta sedinta foto. 

We shot a few outfits at Chemistry Studio, a Romanian clothing brand dedicated to the hard working “corporate ladies”, and while I was searching and trying all sorts of outfits for the photo shooting, my photographer caught these shots…

[RO] Am pozat la Chemistry Studio, o marca de haine #madeinro, dedicata in special ‘corporatistelor’, o marca despre care v-am povestit si aici. In timp ce ma gandeam ce outfit-uri sa incerc, fotografa a surprins aceste cadre. 

Surprinsingly, my fishnet tights escaped unharmed by Niels the mighty cat 🙂

[RO] Surprinzator, dresul a scapat nevatamat din ghearele lui Niels. 🙂

I have to run now, there are still lots of things to do…

Kisses and see you soon,


Photos: Photographa

Outfit: Chemistry

Necklaces: SASHaccessories

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