

I remember the years when my husband and I used to go out all the time, sometimes every day after work. Since Erica was born, getting out involves a good plan, sometimes a plan B and C, because you...
Source: Untold Untold festival is now over and I still hear the music in my head. While my body feels exhausted, my heart jumps up with joy. Needless to say, we need music in our lives and we need festivals like...
I just received a cool gift and I think it’s a really nice idea if you need to give someone a present. It’s called and it allows you to print any of your digital photos and then deliver them wherever you...
I work from home a lot and since my home is a small one, I understand very well the importance of versatile spaces. I set my home office space in my living room, on a big dinning table, which...
This June we went on vacation to 2 super locations right here in Romania…Erica included. First stop - Acacia Village We spent 3 amazing days near Bucharest, at Acacia Village. This place is paradise, both for children and parents, and it’s...
Another Digital Divas Conference is over and other lessons were learned there… Among them, a few ones on how to be successful in this business, and probably the most important, that somehow stuck to my brain: “Be the purple cow”...
Tomorrow, on May 13th, in Romania, at the initiative of the band VUNK, we will celebrate “the Longing Day” or the day we remember the things we miss. It may sound strange but the idea behind it is quite...
Digital Divas by AVON is the most important event for the feminine digital community in Romania. This year is the 5th edition and it will be hosted by the Bragadiru Palace, in Bucharest, on the 20th of May. And yes,...
Have you ever wondered what makes great design great? What attracts you to it, what makes you love it, want it, pay for it? Design is everywhere you look, in the buildings you work, in your home, where you...
This Wednesday we had our dinner at a restaurant in Bucharest called “La Conac”, the one on Pache Protopopescu. We forgot to take pictures but this is less important right now, you can discover it on your own. We...