My fashion manifesto


      I believe the purpose of fashion is to show the best of you but, most of all, to give you the pure pleasure & joy that you get when you look yourself in the mirror. The confidence you gain by feeling good in your “shoes” shows in the way you act, talk and walk.

     I’ve seen so many times how ones face glows when they know they look good. I’ve once designed a ‘mermaid style’ evening dress for myself, and I can remember exactly the way I felt the first time I put it on; my heart was jumping with joy, I couldn’t stop admiring my image in the mirror and I had a smile all over my face…This is how you want to feel when you dress up! This is why we keep buying clothes, and this is why shopping is therapeutic for lots of women. 🙂

[quote_center]Clothes to me are like “makeup for the body”. [/quote_center]

     The rule in makeup is to enhance your qualities and cover your imperfections. Apply the same principle when it comes to choosing the right clothes for you.  Your body may not be perfect, but is the only one you have. So, embrace it, know it, and dress accordingly!


My rules:

  • Wear what you love, not what everybody wears.
  • You are unique, and so should your style. (I’m sure you’ve heard this one before, and there’s a reason for this)
  • I don’t throw away my old clothes if they are in good shape as I might wear them someday; change something about them and you can fall in love again.
  • Fashion trends are great for inspiration; but you don’t have to follow a trend if you don’t like it.
  • Believe in the power of accessories.
  • Wear clothes that excite you, not just cover the body.
  • Dress occasion & body appropriate.
  • Simple is better…but with a twist.
  • A great lady once said: “Fashion fades, only style remains the same!” and I agree.

Kiss Kiss


Next article“Make a wish” – Andres
Gia is the founder & owner of "the Urban Diva" blog; with a background in fashion, she worked for many years as a wedding dress designer; she also creates handmade accessories. Read more about her on the "I am Gia" page.

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