…this time on social media.
Probably all of us have heard about Guerlain, the French perfume, cosmetics and skincare house, and maybe some of you use their products. The house of Guerlain is one of the oldest beauty companies in the world, with almost 200 years of history and innovation behind, but that’s about all I knew about Guerlain. Thanks to some PR workshops that I currently attend, I had to discover more, and so I found out that Guerlain invented the modern lipstick…yap, similar to the one I’m wearing right now. Also, they still sell and promote some of the products they invented and manufactured tens of years ago…Talking about reinventing yourself while remaining true to your core values and even more impressive, your products. In a world where everything changes so rapidly, there are still companies who manage to stay the same.
But how do they do that? Quality products, great design, amazing fragrances and a secret ingredient… showing tradition in modern ways, communicating the same beautiful story but with modern tools, touching more and more people, familiar with the brand or not. Smart, right?
Now, we all know Instagram right? This is another brand that grew fast and became so popular that it’s almost unbelievable. It probably won’t last for 200 years :), but still is a power tool for building awareness to almost anyone, from me, to you, to a company like Guerlain.
Guerlain, a premium traditional brand created a beautiful campaign on Instagram to promote an iconic product, a bronzing powder created over 30 years ago, named Terracotta.
“Every 20 seconds, a new Terracotta finds its place in a woman’s handbag somewhere in the world.”
They created lovely visuals meant to emphasise the connection between the brand and Paris, by showing familiar locations from Paris. The story: Where will you be taking your #Terracotta? The result: almost 1 million women got to discover Terracotta. Wow again. 🙂
For those of you who own a business or just want to build a strong personal brand [which I’ve just learned it’s really important :)], using Instagram might be the great tool to achieve that. If you’re in the ‘neighbourhood’, you can follow my story on urbandiva_style.
Well, I feel inspired, so I’m preparing a few surprising campaigns of my own. I think we can promote Romania in a somehow similar way. Stay tuned girls!
Photos: Guerlain
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