Barbatii ne prefera asa:
[EN] Men prefer us like this:
Noi in schimb, hai sa recunoastem, ne simtim super bine asa:
[EN] Us instead, let’s face it, we feel super good like this:
photo: Bonprix
Pentru ca de-a lungul timpului am auzit multe voci barbatesti plangandu-se ca dupa ce se muta cu iubita se schimba atat atitudinea ei iubareata cat si tipul lenjeriei intime, m-am gandit ca nu ar fi rau un articol lamuritor.
Ce se intampla inainte de marea mutare…
Daca ai trecut vreodata printr-o relatie, stii sigur ca la inceput ambii parteneri se straduiesc sa arate cat mai bine si sa se comporte cat mai exemplar posibil. Asta este si unul dintre motivele pentru care atat de multe relatii esueaza pe termen lung:
vinzi un produs pe care il impachetezi frumos si despre care promiti mai mult decat face.
Despre asta am mai vorbit si cu alta ocazie aici, dar pana la un anumit nivel, comportamentul este absolut normal. Animalele au un comportament asemanator cand isi doresc sa cucereasca, unele se infoaie, altele scot sunete ciudate menite sa dea pe spate femelele, executa tot felul de “dansuri” care posibil si in cazul lor, promit mai mult decat fac. Observati si voi asemanarea, nu? :))
Pe langa indragosteala de inceput care ne face pe toti niste “perfecti”, relatia traita din apartamente diferite vine si cu un bonus: nu te vezi decat in varianta ta cea mai buna, si asta nu in fiecare zi, ceea ce face lucrurile mult mai simple. Pai cand stii tu ca te vezi cu iubi de 3 ori pe saptamana si ramai la el in weekend, bineinteles ca iti vei etala lenjeria cea mai sexi, dar cand te intorci la tine abia astepti sa iti imbraci minunatia aia de pijama cu ursulet, confortabila si pufoasa. Iarna mai ales, sa va imbracati voi baieti doar in dantele in fiecare zi cand singurul lucru pe care ti-l doresti e o pereche de sosete in picioare si 2 paturi groase deasupra.
Pe scurt, noi fetele, acasa la noi, cand nu va uitati voi, nu dormim doar in lenjerie sexy si un strop de parfum :), ci in pijamale dragute din bumbac, pe care, noi asa in sinea noastra le consideram sexy. Pe langa asta, va spun ca sa stiti ca afurisitele alea de rochite din voaluri sunt cele mai enervante chestii in care poti dormi, ti se infasoara aiurea, raman blocate pe sub tine, se misca in toate directiile si te lasa mai mult dezbracata decat imbracata. Nici nu va mai zic de corset…
[EN] Because for a long time I heard many men complaining about the fact that after moving in together, their girlfriend’s attitude changes and also their underwear 🙂 , I thought it wouldn’t be bad to write an enlightening article.
Before the big move…
If you have ever been in a relationship, you know for sure that at first both partners strive to look and behave as exemplary as possible. This is also one of the main reasons why so many relationships fail in the long term: we sell a product too nicely packed which promises more that it does. I wrote about this subject here, so I will not develop it again right now. Up to a certain level, this behaviour is absolutely normal. Animals do it too. Every time they want to conquer, the animals make all sorts of strange sounds and perform all sorts of “dance moves” meant to impress the partner. It works for the animals and of course for us too. 🙂
Besides the intense feeling of falling in love that makes us so perfectly blind, a relationship lived in different apartments comes with a bonus: you only meet when you’re almost always the best version of yourselves. That makes it so much simpler, don’t you think? Because when we know we’ll see our boyfriends 2-3 times a week, it almost a certainty that we’ll wear our most sexiest lingerie, but when we return home, we can’t wait to wear our wonderful, comfortable and fluffy pajamas. Why do you think they sell so well?! Because we buy them. :)) In winter especially, you guys should try to sleep every day in lace, because most of the times the only thing we desire is a pair of socks and two blankets on top.
In short, when we are at home and you’re not looking, we don’t sleep in sexy lingerie and perfume, but in cute cotton pajamas, which we also believe are sexy. Because we are always sexy. :)) Besides, I want you to know that those damn sexy dresses are the most annoying things you can sleep in, they wrap around you, remain stuck underneath, they move in all directions and you’re more naked than dressed. I won’t even mention the corset…
Hai sa ne mutam impreuna!
De aici incepe necazul 🙂 unora, pentru ca traiul impreuna zi de zi inseamna si pijamalele, paturile, sosetele, zilele proaste, sindromul premenstrual + menstrual (sa nu credeti ca ne simtim sexy si minunate in timp ce pierdem sange zile intregi, in timp ce voi lesinati cand va ia o eprubeta la analize), cearta cu mama, nervii de la serviciu, curatenia si cumparaturile impreuna. Nu mai zic de “bad hair day”! Daca mai vin si copiii, atunci sa vedeti ce chef de lenjerie sexy ai dupa ce abia ai apucat sa te asezi de cand ai ajuns acasa, copilul trage de tine, pui masa, strangi masa, pregatesti 1 ora copilul de culcare si iti mai ia inca o ora sa adoarma. Apoi da, in loc de un somn bun, gandul tau zboara imediat la lenjeria sexy din dulap, asa ca fugi repede si dai jos pijamalele de femeie de casa si le pui pe alea de femeie fatala. :))
In realitate, lucrurile stau cam asa: sunt nenumarate zilele in care suntem niste super femei si ne imbracam super sexy pentru voi, pentru ca stim ca va place, si pentru ca de multe ori si noua ne place, dar sunt la fel de multe zilele in care suntem pur si simplu femei, fara artificii de imagine, fara chef si fara make-up. Doar “bumbac”.
Daca nu ne iubiti si atunci, inseamna ca nu ne iubiti deloc.
Ladies, sunteti de acord sau nu?
[EN] Let’s move in together!
For some, from here starts the trouble, because living together every day also means pajamas, socks, bad days, PMS + menstrual syndrome (don’t think we feel sexy and beautiful while losing blood for several days, while you faint at regular blood tests), stress from work, fights with parents, house cleaning and shopping together. Not to mention the famous “bad hair day”! 🙂
If children appear in the equation, then you should see what kind of mood we’re into when we barely get to sit down after work, children are screaming or just keep asking something, we make dinner, we clean up afterwards, prepare the children for sleeping and then spend 1 hour to make them fall asleep. Well, it’s not sexy, I’ll tell you that. :)) Sometimes, yes, we will make the effort to undress the housewife pajamas and put on those of femme fatale.
In reality, there are many days when we try to be super women and dress super sexy for you, because we know how much you love it and yes, many times we like it too. But there are also many days when we are only simple women, no other improvements, not in the mood and no make-up.
If you don’t love us then, it means you don’t love us at all.
Photos: Pexels, Pixabay
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