Tag: office style
18 rochii office versatile de vara pe care le gasesti chiar...
Vara la birou ne gaseste pe toti cu chef de vacanta si mai putin de munca. Ce sens are sa negam. Stai linistita...si seful...
Back to office: In flori si dungi la birou
Optiunile de tinute office sunt de multe ori clasice si prea putin indraznete, iar cand vorbesc despre indraznet, nu ma refer la decolteu adanc...
Am fost barista pentru cateva minute la o cafenea din Bucuresti...
Am un singur viciu…cafeaua. Neaparat cu lapte, cremoasa, aromata si putin dulce. Imi place sa imbratisez ceasca fierbinte dimineata si sa ii adulmec aroma....
Behind the scenes
These last 3 weeks have been really crazy as I have been working with almost no break to finish delivering all my SASHaccessories Christmas...
The Chemistry of an office dress
We live our lives on fast - forward. In the morning we are always on the run, the day quickly flies by and by...
5 office styles with personality
One of the most challenging outfit choices is when you have to build an office wardrobe that steps out from the classic look, but...
How to transform a business look into a ready-to-go-out look in...
Because many of you must obey an office dress code that doesn’t allow a too casual dress up, I thought I should show you...
15 items under 50 Euro perfect for your office wardrobe
First day of work and I’m freaking out a little bit! My to-do list is long already, but before I dive into anything else,...
5 ideas to wear this autumn/winter season
You already know that every season we count lots of trends, some more appealing than others. This season, I particularly liked 5, that you...
The coolest shirt is the dress shirt
This kind of dress should be on your shopping list if you don’t own one by now. The great thing about it is that...