I don’t know about you, but this nasty ever changing weather has been driving me crazy me for a while now. Where I live, we went from 30 degrees in April to 12 in May, from 27 one day to 14 the next one, from what looked like a sunny day to heavy rain and wind. I’m checking my weather app more than ever now (more than my Facebook page), because it seems like the weather can’t decide what season we’re in right now. Spring, summer, fall…sometimes all in one day. It’s tougher than ever to choose interesting outfits… and this annoying rain comes almost every day!!!

To this kind of outfit problems there’s only one solution: Layering!

Practically, you will wear 2-3-4 layers of clothes and take them off, depending on the weather’s mood…. and the biggest bag you own to put in the clothes you take off. 🙂

I like to play with lengths, so for this particular outfit, I chose my favourite cardigan, a pair of leather pants (perfect for rainy days), a pair of suede boots (not so perfect for rainy days, but I took the risk), my husband’s ex-shirt 🙂 and a leather jacket. And yes, I kept putting on my jacket, taking it off, remained in my shirt, put the cardigan back on, the whole day. It’s pretty exhausting to keep doing this…

I chose this particular cardigan because I already showed you in the previous post an outfit with it, and today I just wanted to reinforce what I was telling you yesterday about multi-purpose clothes.







Photos: Sebastian Bacioiu Photography

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